We have never done a sample pack before. We didn't want to do one. So much of the Noisia sound was about making your own sounds that we didn't want to give ours away! So we have been hoarding and archiving our own material for 20 years. Lots and lots of sounds, because every project we worked on meant the generation of material that would not end up being used, and lots of time was spent just making sounds for fun.
This collection features the most exciting picks from that archive, and to be honest it's quite a mixed feeling for us listening to them and to how the demos came out. There is still so much potential in the sounds! But since Noisia has ended, it’s time to pass on our cherished tools. They should be used, abused and new worlds explored.
This was our sound - and now it can be yours.
The full Noisia Sample Pack is available via Splice.